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Quick start guide

If you are starting froms cratch, you can use the quick install & configuration steps below. If you already have a wagtail project, you can follow the manual configuration steps below to add CjkCMS as a new app into your Wagtail project.

Quick install of the CjkCMS, Django and Wagtail

  • CjkCMS requires Django>=4.x,<6.0 and Wagtail>=5.1.

Install the CjkCMS:

pip install wagtail-cjkcms

Create a new project. Use lowercase name of the project:

cjkcms start myproject

You should see the following output:

Creating a CjkCMS project called myproject
Success! myproject has been created

Next steps:
    1. cd myproject/
    2. python migrate
    3. python createsuperuser
    4. python runserver
    5. Go to http://localhost:8000/backend/ and start editing!


If you want to switch from the default SQLite database to PostgreSQL, do it before executing step #2 above (migrations).